Chimpanzees in a protected Ugandan forest are being forced to eat disease-ridden bat feces due to over-farming — and experts fear it could start the next pandemic.Scientists observed chimps, monkeys, and antelopes consume the guano over the course of two years - the first time this has been observed in the wild.Deforestation due to tobacco farming has wiped out one of the animals' normal food sources - the raffia palm.
World News
Yayınlanma: 24 Nisan 2024 - 21:07
Chimps now eating diseased bat feces due to over-farming in Africa
Chimpanzees in Uganda have been eating virus-filled bat dung ever since their preferred food source was destroyed by tobacco farmers. Scientists fear this could be how the next major pandemic starts.
World News
24 Nisan 2024 - 21:07
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